Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Words, Words, Words

Here I sit. In the dark. The incessent glow from the computer screen is probably giving me some sort of cancer, and I have a million and half things to do before tomorrow, none of which will get done unless I actually get up and do them. Yet, here I sit. Such is the power of expression. Such is the power of communication. I'm reminded of why I became an English major despite it being one of the most useless degrees in the world(as a fellow student of mine so kindly pointed out to me recently). The ability to take words and mold and manipulate them to our heart's content is what elevates us above the other creatures. It is our gift, and that is possibly why this opportunity to put into words my thoughts and feelings creates a rush of excitement much like an unopened present would. The possiblities are endless. There is a down side. The very nature of language necessitates that much of what remains, at present, flowing swiftly through my mind and heart will never make it out. If it does, the odds that it will be accurately and completely expressed are not good. Such are man's limitations. But, I will not dwell on what I cannot change. Instead, I will continue to rejoice in the opportunity to articulate what can be conveyed and work on finding alternative means of dealing with what can't.


Ezzie said...

Well, well, well. Welcome!!

Madd Hatter said...
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Madd Hatter said...

thank you. it's good to be here :)

Scraps said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. :)

Madd Hatter said...

Scraps- thanks :)